Monday, October 20, 2008

Celebration in the midst of Tragedy

I have had alot going on in my life. One of my volleyball player's mom died suddenly from a brain aneurysm, her name was Vickie Foltz. Her daughter Cameron is on the team I coach and a Senior. This is has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. I am not sure why GOD has put me or anyone in the Foltz family, the volleyball team in this place, I do know that I am relying on him 100% to guide me through this.

Our season has not ended. Cameron buried her mom this past Thursday morning then came to CPA Thursday night and played in the volleyball district tournament semi and finals. Needless to say, the team WON! We now play tomorrow in the region semi-finals at Harpeth High School in Kingston Springs, TN. Please pray for strength for these young women as they take the court tomorrow evening to Glorify God and continue to honor Vickie Foltz! I will update more with pictures and the rest of the story!!

Love and hugs!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

We are Adopting!!!!!

Yep! Hang on!!! Exciting news here in the Perry house!!!

In February of 2008 as I was in my office working. Austin comes into my office and is eating lunch. Very casually he says, "mom I know what I want for my 18th birthday." I said, "really what?" I am thinking he will say car, money, etc. He says in a very oh by the way voice, "I WANT RANDY TO ADOPT ME!!!!" I turned and looked at him and said "excuse me"....He just smiled and said, "Yes that is what I want and I want it to be a surprise! I don't want to tell Randy until my birthday!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just sat in my chair with tears in my eyes trying not to break down in front of my son. I have waited 15 years for him to say those words. That was the end of the conversation. He asked me to find out what we needed to do and take care of it. I told him I would check into it and see what we needed to do. He left to go back to class, and Yes I cried, cried and cried and thanked GOD for this gift he gave me! My son!!!

Austin turned 18 on August 26th and the paperwork for the adoption was filed on August 27th. My younger sister helped us with the paperwork (thanks J). She said that the court will take 2 to 4 weeks to process the paperwork. Once this is final, Austin will now be a Perry. Austin Michael Perry.

To say that Randy is excited is an understatement!!!! I just want to take this time to let the world know how thankful I am that GOD put Randy in our lives. He is a wonderful husband, loving DAD and great provider. In Randy's mind the adoption is just a "technicality". He said he has been Austin's DAD for he last 15 years and he wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Love you,
The Perry's!!!!!
Randy, Pat & Austin

Senior in our house

We can't believe that our son is in the graduating Class of 2009. He wasn't very thrilled that I was taking his picture but he loves his mom enough that he let me capture him on his first day as a as senior in High School.

Please continue to pray for him!!! This year will be over before he knows it and he will move onto the next chapter in his life.

Jeremiah 29.11

Love and hugs to everyone!!!


Volleyball and Fun

Below are pictures of the high school volleyball team that I coach. These girls mean the world to me and I really do know that GOD gave them to me for a reason other than teaching them the game of volleyball. They have impacted my life and my families life more than they will ever know. These pictures were taken before a scrimmage on August 20th.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Not Forgotten Just Busy

We are still alive and well. I say this all the time but we are so busy it is hard to even see each other. I have alot of exciting news and pictures to blog about and I promise to catch up this weekend.


Randy, Pat & Austin

Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's Been a Hard Week

Randy was playing softball Thursday night in his men's open league. He said a "routine" ground ball took a bad hop at third base and hit him the eye. It looks worse than it is, he said it doesn't hurt at all. His eye was swollen shut Thursday night and most of the day Friday. Today it is open just a little, and he can see out of it. Randy keeps telling everyone "that anyone can catch a ball with a glove" (hahaha).....

Harley dog has had a hard week too. He had stomach issues the first part of the week and now his right eye is bothering him...He isn't his normal fun self, so if he isn't up and around by Monday we will take him to the vet.

I know this nap will make them both feel better soon!!!

I am off to Belmont University here in Nashville for a Volleyball Team Camp tomorrow with my High School team. We will be there until Wednesday afternoon. Last year at camp we took 2nd place out of 24 teams and I hoping we do just as well or better this year. Camp is always fun and it is a great bonding time for the girls. Please pray for good times to be had by all and that they are kept safe from injury.

Austin is still working Basketball and All Sports camp at school. He has started his summer reading assignments so he isn't much fun to be around. I have to agree I didn't like summer assignments either but I know this will prepare him well for college and life.

We love you all....

Randy, Pat & Austin

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life and Times

Things in the Perry household are moving along. We had a great 4th of July with some friends. I will post pictures soon. Randy took a few days off and we had a long weekend together. We did a few things around the house, took walks in the park and he actually played 9 holes of golf.

Austin is busy at school this summer. He is working the "little" kids summer camps. He is getting there at 7:00 am and working until 3:00 pm. The younger kids love him and he is loving being there with them.

I have an unwritten prayer request. Please pray that GODs will will be done in our life. I will post once I am able regarding this. It is an exciting time but still unsure. Hmmm, do they call that Life??? We will continue to fall short of GOD's glory, but know GOD will pick us up, wipe us off and continue to walk with us thru all circumstances.

Don't be discouraged or grow weak from fear! The LORD your GOD wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love. Zephaniah 3: 16-17

Love and Hugs,

Pat, Randy and Austin

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rest and Relaxing

Happy Summer! First off, below are pictures from Randy's Grandmother's 70th Birthday Party from the 1st of June. We all met a Ellendale's resturant in Donelson. The food was great and we had an awesome time celebrating with the family!!!

Randy and Grandmother

Grandmother's speech!
Great Grandchild (Austin), Grandchildren (Lyndsay, Taylor, Eric) & Uncle Doug

It has been pretty quiet at the Perry Household. I have been taking vacation days throughout the month of June and Randy actually took the last two weekends off from softball and it has been nice doing family stuff. Austin played a double-header baseball game last Saturday and then his last game of the season is tonight. He has enjoyed playing with this team and has worked on his game. I was happy, he has made some new friends and that is always a bonus.

Oh yeah, speedy (aka Austin) got his first ticket on Tuesday!!! He was going 48 in a 30 in the lovely town of Brentwood, TN. We have been informed by other teenagers and their parent's that I have to go to court with him, he will have to pay the fine, pay to go to traffic school AND lose his license for 3 weeks. Unbelieveable!!! I guess the judge in this county likes to make a statement!!!! Don't get me wrong, he shouldn't have been speeding - I am just upset that now he is again - DEPENDENT (hahaha) on me to drive him everywhere.....

I know everytime I blog I talk about college visits. I guess when you have a rising Senior, that is at the top of the list. He now wants to visit Western KY University. I am going to call schedule the visit. We will make a two day trip out of this, and go to Eastern KY while we are there, save on gas.

Volleyball at school starts on July 7th, we will have two-a-days. Lifting and conditioning from 7am until 9am, then back at 3:30 for workouts at the sand courts. I will be super busy with coaching and games, but I will try and keep up with what is going on around the house. Please continue to pray for our family and please email or call anytime.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Honey Do List

Austin was in Arizona visiting my sister last week. He left on Thursday, June 6th and came home on Tuesday of this week. He said he had a great time. He was thinking of going to college at Arizona and I asked him if he thought he could see himself there? He said "NO". I asked why? he said," I need some green in my life, Arizona is brown and boring." Whew!!! I was glad to hear that. Sorry Sis!!!

Still no car for Austin. We have decided with gas prices so high, it is not economical for us to purchase another car at this time. We are going to suffer thru with one car for a few months and see how it goes. He and I go to the same place everyday, so I think we can manage. He isn't happy about the decision, but he understands.

Please continue to pray for the Chapman family. Our hearts are still heavy for this family and they need prayer and more prayer!
"God blesses those people who depend only on him. They belong to the kingdon of heaven! God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort." Matthew 5.3-4

On May 26th we started landscaping our front yard. Below are pictures of the beginning, middle and where we are right now. I still have some planting to do, I want to put some flowers around the cherry tree. Randy, Austin and I have worked hard to get this yard to "look" better. I know it has a long way to go but we are happy with what we have accomplished so far.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prayer and Questions

Everyone has probably already heard about the tragic accident regarding Steve Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter, Maria...Austin is friends with one of the Chapman boys and the children all attend school at CPA and we are struggling to understand why this happened. We know that GOD is good and we are holding tight to that truth. I was just reading my bible and came across this excerpt and wanted to share with everyone...

If God is So Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen to His People?

GOD will allow many events to come into our life - good things, bad things, things that make no sense at all. But everyone one of these incidents in our lives serves as a part of his plan for us. Tragedy in itself is not good. But GOD can take tragedy and hardship and use them for his glory. As GOD's children, we know that everything that happens to us first goes through his screen of protection. And he will never give us more than we can handle (Corinthians 10:13). For that reason we can follow the advice in Romans 5:3 and rejoice. We have the assurance that GOD is working in our lives to strengthen and develop our character. More important, he will never leave our side (Hebrews 13:5)

That is easy to say when things are going smoothly. But when something unexpected comes into the picture, we may wonder if GOD is paying attention. That is when we need to realize that GOD is painting on a large canvas. He is looking at the big picture. We only see what is in front of us at the moment. And he has promised that all things work together for good to those that love GOD (Romans 8:28).

Please pray and pray for the Chapman family. If you are interested in getting to know who Maria, here is a link to their website and click on the side bar - Meet Maria...

Soli De Gloria (To GOD alone be the Glory)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Finishing Strong

Hi...We are almost done with this school year...and that means that Austin will be a SENIOR in high school...can you believe it? because I can't....sometimes when I say the word "senior", I feel like I am in a dream...It seems like just yesterday he was born...All I can say to all the young mother's out there, cherish your time with your children, they are grown and gone before you can blink an eye!!!

Final exams are this week...He has two exams on Wed and Thurs. and then one on Friday...He worked this past week writing 5 essays for 30% of his English exam...

We did hear back from the insurance company on Friday. Austin's car is "officially" totalled..The adjuster left a message on my cell phone and to be honest I didn't feel like dealing with it on Friday so I will call her tomorrow and get the details..We have been sharing a car/ride for the last two weeks...It doesn't bother me and Austin hasn't complained...I doubt we will replace his car anytime is saving us money not having to cars (gas and insurance) and the extra money going into SENIOR year is much needed...

Austin is going to Arizona with my mom in two weeks to visit my younger sister and her family ....he is really excited to get to spend time with the family and will get to take a college visit at the University of Arizona while he is there....It will be a short trip for him, but he will have fun...

Randy and I are doing fine...he is busy with softball and I am finally not doing volleyball on a regular least for the next 6 weeks, then my pre-season with the school team starts and I will be very busy for the next 5 months...not complaining, you all know I love the game!!!! We are going to landscape our yard next weekend (Memorial Day)...Our yard has taken a back seat since we moved in here and needs some TLC...

Please continue to keep us in your prays and we do all of you!! Hugs to everyone!!!

Won't GOD protect his chosen ones who pray to him day and night? Won't he be concerned for them? He will surely hurry and help them. Luke 18.7-8

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I want to wish my Mom, and all my family and friends (especially my "peeps") a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

I love you!!!

Just call him "CRASH"

First let me say, he is ok!! Perfect, not a scratch on him, thank the lord!!! I don't say those words lightly. Yes, Austin was in another wreck. This time he decided he was going to try and tangle with a tree - and yep the tree won. Randy and I are just thankful that he is ok, it could have been alot worse.

Austin was on his way home from dinner with his baseball coach. He was coming home the "back" way and the roads are very curvy and it had been raining all day. He came up on one curve and realized he needed to slow down so he hit his brakes and the car started to skid - and he lost control, ran off the road and hit the tree. Both airbags deployed and the front end is bad.

So we are back to a one car family. Austin is riding with me to and from school. I am not sure when we will be getting another car. We are looking at our options, if anyone out there has a car they aren't using and would like to donate to the cause, give us a call :-)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Morning After ......PROM

After bowling everyone went back to The Benton's house. Hayley is one of the girls that plays volleyball for me and is dating Austin's bestfriend, Andy. Hayley's mom told me the kids stayed up until 3:00 am and then the girls came upstairs to sleep and the boys stayed in the basement. Marjo kept watch in the kitchen all night.

I went over to have breakfast with the kids. It was fun to sit back and watch the kids interact together. The guys cooked and the girls enjoyed. Everyone said the food was good, even the Green Eggs. After breakfast everyone went swimming, I don't have any pictures of that, not sure why, just didn't think to take any.

Prom Night.....April 2008

I have uploaded pictures from Prom Night. I wasn't able to be there, I was in Chattanooga, TN coaching my 15 year olds, but Randy was there....Austin said he had a great time at the dance but they had more fun going bowling afterwards. I don't have any pictures of bowling but I did get to see some video and it was funny. To see the smile on his face in the pictures below tears my heart out that I wasn't there, believe me, next year I will be there. I won't miss it...We love you Austin!!!!
Randy and Austin at The Benton's for pictures

Austin and his date, Lily

Lily, Meg, Curry, Cali & Hayley
Having fun together!
Austin, Jordan, Ben, Brandon, & Andy
Not really sure????

Aren't they beautiful???

Florida Vacation

Here are some pictures from our trip to the beach last week. The weather was great and we had a great time. Enjoy!!!

Randy loving the sun under the umbrella.

Me, Dean and Rhonda Ross & Randy

The Girls
Rachael, Chelsea & Riana
Dinner at Joe's Crab Shack

Randy, Rach and Riana at the beach our first night.

Friday, April 25, 2008


We are alive and well! Austin is busy playing baseball and getting ready for prom this weekend. Randy and I had a great time in Florida, I will post pictures this weekend from prom and Florida.

Please pray for our family. I can't get specific with everyone on what is going on, just pray to GOD for his peace and strength to shower us.

Love you all!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day in the Life

Hi family and friends! Sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks been busy. I know everyone is probably rolling their eyes because I seem to say that all the time. Well I know the truth hurts.

Austin is doing great in school. He made the A/B Honor roll last semester and I just signed his SENIOR class registration for next year. He is taking a psychology class which would scare me but he said that he is really looking forward to it. His college planning advisor told him this class will help prepare him for his career choice of Forensic Science. Austin went Friday and was fitted for his tuxedo for his Junior/Senior Prom. He is taking a young lady by the name of Lily. Randy and I have yet to meet her, but we have heard great things about her. You going what, you haven't met her, well again, no time. Austin and Lily don't really get to hang out much either, with school and sports, there is no time!!!! Prom is April 26th, and I will post pictures for sure.

Randy and I are doing well. We are going to Florida this Thursday, April 18, I am going to play in a volleyball tournament on the beach. So I have been getting up at 4:30 every morning and going to the gym to try and get myself into some type of shape. It has been going very well I must say until Friday morning I woke up not feeling well. I had a sore throat and a stuffy head, well today I feel like horrible. I will go to the doctor tomorrow to hopefully get some meds, I don't want to be miserable in Florida. Please pray for me!!!

Randy's slow pitch softball season has started. He has been playing tournament ball on the weekends. He is now playing co-ed on Tuesday night, Men's on Thursday and Fridays. You can see him on his travel team's website at

"I will sing about your strength, my GOD, and I will celebrate because of your love. You are my fortress, my place of protection in time of trouble." Psalms 59.16

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Karen and Terry

Randy's mom and step-dad at the pre-Easter lunch. We love you!!!!

Playing Catch Up

Hello everyone! We are still alive here, we have just been very busy. That seems to be the theme in our lives. Austin made it back from Florida safe and sound. The weather wasn't that great but they did play every game. Austin got to start all the JV games and dress and play Varsity too. The team didn't win any games while they were down there, but he said they played well.

Spring break was very relaxing for me. I worked out everyday. Spent an hour in the gym then I would go run in the park. The weather wasn't great, but it was enjoyable!

Grandmother, Grandaddy & Dottie at Dottie's House
Easter Weekend

Saturday before Easter, Randy and I went to an "pre-Easter" lunch with his family. Austin didn't get to come, he was volunteering at church for the Easter egg hunt with his youth group. We had lunch at Dottie's house, which is Randy's step-grandmother's house. She cooked a spread for us and we had a great time. We were able to say goodbye to Dan and Stephanie who are moving to the great white north - Michigan. Dan and Stephanie are Randy's uncle and aunt. Stephanie received a promotion with her job. Please pray for safe travel and an easy transition for them as they leave the life the have known for a long long time behind.

We went to church Easter morning, then we had a late Easter lunch with friends. Their daughter's both play volleyball for me and they are both good friends with Austin. The oldest is actually dating Austin's best friend Andy, so he was there too. It was fun to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus with family and friends.

This week is just as busy, Austin has 4 games in five days and Randy starts his softball season on Friday night. The volleyball girls are now lifting and conditioning 4 days a week after school so I will be with them and then travel volleyball practice 2 nights this week with a tournament on Saturday. I guess it is never boring around here.

We love you!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank You Danielle!

Just a short post to say Thank you to Danielle for the new blog design. We love it. If any of you are interested in a new design, click on Danielle's link to the right. Please keep her in mind if you need an updated look.

Thanks again!!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

GOD is so good, and by raising Jesus from death, he has given us new life and a hope that lives on. GOD has something stored up for you in heaven, where it will never decay or be ruined or disappear. 1 Peter 1:3-4.

We love and miss everyone.
Soli De Gloria (To GOD alone be the Glory)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Break 2008

We are officially on Spring Break! School dismissed at 11:30 today and we do not return until March 25th. Austin is headed to Destin, Florida tomorrow to play in a baseball tournament with the High School team. We are not going with him, Austin is riding down with his coaches, Randy has to work this next week, so I am going to do spring cleaning here. The weather is supposed to be ok. It will rain a few days so I will spend those days inside and hopefully be outside the other days. Boring I know, but I need a little boring in my life right now. These last 6 months have been non-stop.

On a sadder note, the basketball team lost on Wednesday night by one point at the buzzer. To say the last 15.3 seconds were the worst in basketball state tournament history would be an understatement. If you want to read what happened you can go to; sports, High School and you will see quite a few articles about CPA.

Pray for safe travel for Austin and his team. Blessings!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Elite 8

Just wanted to let everyone know that Austin's basketball team did win and they are headed to the State Tournament in Murfreesboro, TN. CPA plays Dyer County (team out of West TN) tomorrow, Wed. March 12th at 7:00. Loser goes home. Keep us in your thoughts tomorrow as the boys try to bring home the gold ball.

Soli De Gloria
(To GOD alone be the Glory)

New Furniture - Kinda.....

Randy's wonderful Mom and stepdad got new furniture for their house so they gave us their old couch and chair with ottoman. We also have end tables with really cool lamps coming once my wonderful, charming, loving (hint hint) mother-in-law finds what she likes....So one Saturday morning the three of us went and loaded up the furniture. The boys worked very hard and then we had some fun, pictures below to prove that. Those three together, always a party. Pops (aka Terry) missed all the fun, he was at work. Or did he miss the fun, or did he plan it that way. Hmmmm....

Randy and Austin loading up the furniture.

Larry, Curly & Moe

Trying to behave...

I guess Moe didn't want his picture taken any more!!

As Promised....

Tim McGraw at CPA coaching his daughter's basketball team. The picture isn't that great, like I said I was very star struck, so I took this picture from across the room. Faith was there too but I didn't get her picture.

Jessica, I hope you enjoy these...He really is better looking in person...

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's Already Friday

It is Friday, March 7th already!! The basketball team did win on Monday night against Creekwood so the team is headed to the State Tournament in Murfreesboro, TN. They don't know when they will play - there will be a blind draw this weekend to seed the teams. It could be Wed. night for sometime on Thursday. Last night the team practice at Memorial Gym on the campus of Vanderbilt University!! Austin said it was amazing, probably a once in a lifetime chance for him. He did get put on the floor for the last 4 minutes of the practice and he did score. The team practiced with the team from Antioch High School. Antioch is rated number 1 in the State of TN, but in a different division. Austin said it was very competitive.

It is freezing cold here. We are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow tonight. For all my family in Ohio, yep schools are already closed or are closing early because "IT MIGHT SNOW". Laugh all you want, I think it is hilarious. I wonder what it would have been like when I was in school in Ohio to close school for snow. I don't think any of of would have graduated. I guess we don't get that much snow here, so just the talk of snow gets people excited. If we get snow, I will take pictures just for proof. Randy says he will believe it when he sees it..

Last weekend I worked at the High School for the West Nashville Sports League, yes basketball. What can I say, they were paying me 10.00 an hour. I was working the ticket table and up walks TIM MCGRAW!!! Yep...couldn't believe it. I don't usually get star struck, but I was. I couldn't talk, it was quiet amusing...He was there coaching his daughters team, and yes FAITH was there too!!! I have pictures and will upload them later. I must say, he is very handsome in person.

Austin went back to the doctor on Tuesday for a follow-up on his finger, and he has to wear his splint for another 10 days. The doctor said it is healing but still not strong enough to go without the splint. Stay tuned!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Above is a picture of Austin's basketball team after winning the Region Championship game last Wednesday Night in Spring Hill, TN. CPA won by 3 and the game was great to watch. Austin is front row, first one on your left. The boys play tomorrow (Monday, March 3) against Creek Wood(I think they are from West TN, but don't hold me to that). If they win this game they are headed to Murfreesboro, TN to play in the State Tournament March 13th, 14th, & 15th.

Pray that whatever happens tomorrow, will be part of a bigger plan GOD has for these young men. Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory).

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Quick Update

Wow! I can't believe my last post was almost two weeks ago. Austin's basketball team is still in post season. They play tonight in the Region Semi Finals and if they win the Championship game is tomorrow night. Win or lost tomorrow and they are headed to the State Tournament. I will hopefully have some action pictures of Austin to upload soon.

Last Thursday, the 21st, Austin did dislocate his pinkie finger on his right hand at basketball practice. We went to the Orthopaedic Surgeon on Friday and he did pull all the ligaments and is wearing a splint for 10 days. He can practice and play, but it does hurt. Please pray for quick healing. Austin has a picture of the finger before the trainer "popped" it back in place, and I won't share that with you all. It is not prettyl!!!

Randy is playing on a travel softball team this year. The name of his team is Old Timers!!! Don't let the name fool you. He spent Sunday after Church with "the guys" and he said it was great. He is working hard to get in shape and have a fun season.

I am still loving my job and the people I work with our wonderful!! This is truly a gift from GOD.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend Happenings

Our weekend was very busy. The 15-1 travel volleyball team that I coach had a two day tournament this weekend. They played all day Saturday and half a day on Sunday. We placed third in our pool on Saturday so we were placed in the Bronze division for Sunday. On Sunday we were beat in the finals. I was very proud of how they played given how tired they were.

Austin had a basketball game on Friday night. His high school team has gone undefeated in the State of Tennessee this year, with only three losses, two in Atlanta and one in Kentucky. They play for the District championship tomorrow night and this should be a great game. We have beat the team we are playing twice this year, and everyone knows it is hard to beat a team three times...If they win the district we will go to regionals and hopefully to the State Tournament, so our weeks are going to get busy AGAIN!!! But you know what, I wouldn't trade this for anything!!!

Austin is on winter break today and tomorrow. He is spending time doing nothing. He said he needs to sleep and just relax. Give him a call or leave a comment, we miss you all.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Kelley

Today is my sister Kelley's birthday...Of course I am not going to tell the world how old she is...Just that she is older than me (wink wink)...
Enjoy your day because this is the day GOD made YOU!!!!
I love you!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

To all our family and friends,

Happy Valentine's Day!!! I love you all very much!!!

Randy, Pat and Austin

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two College's on the List

Today Austin and I met with his college planning advisor for over an hour. (Yes I cried). This is a monumental time in not only Austin's life, but ours too. He has picked the following Universities that he wants to visit, sooner than later - probably spring break - Week of March 21st. Austin wants to major in Criminal Justice. Both of these schools have a great program.

Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville, AL
Department of Criminal Justice
Located in Brewer Hall

Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN
Department of Criminal Justice Administration

Please pray and pray for Austin. Pray that GOD leads him where he wants him to be. Pray that GOD will guide and protect him through this process. Pray that Randy and I can continue to place our trust completely in the LORD. As we release our control over our son into his hands, that the journey will begin to become easier.

I am so proud of my son! I can't even begin to put into words how proud I am of him!!! GOD has blessed us with a fine young man who is going to grow up and make a difference in this fallen world. We love you Austin!!!

"With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgement. Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow." Proverbs 3.5,6.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stormy Weather

This is a picture of a dorm (or should I say what is left of a dorm) at Union University in Jackson, TN. Jackson is about 3 hours west of us. Quite a few students that graduated from CPA attend Union. Everyone we know is okay just some bumps and bruises.

Tuesday night Austin was playing basketball at school while these storms were going on. At 9:00 when the game finished an announcement was made that everyone needed to go straight home, the storms were headed to Nashville. Randy and I made it into the middle of Bellevue, about 10 minutes from our house - when I received a call from a friend (thank you Marjo) that the "tornado" was going to be in Bellevue in 5 minutes. UH OH!!! So, we took a detour to another friend's house in Bellevue and waited there. Austin on the other hand, had left school, was about 2 minutes from school when he heard the tornado sirens, called Randy and Randy told him to turn around and go BACK to the school. He did and was amoung 45 to 50 other people in the downstairs of the high school very safe!!

We are all okay. Austin made it home about 10:00. Another round of storms came through at 2:00 a.m., but not as bad as the one earlier in the evening, so I thought. My friends at worked couldn't believe we didn't get up and take cover, I actually slept thru that one, not sure if that was good or not, but we survived.

The tornado did not hit Bellevue but it did go North of us (about an hour away) and do alot of damage there. I am not sure of the death toll, but one is too many. Please pray for the familys who lost loved ones and the ones who lost everything they owned.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Softball in Winterhaven, Florida

Below are a few picutres of Randy while he was in Florida last weekend playing softball. The team was put out of the tournament on Saturday so on Sunday, a group of them went to the Kennedy Space Center (pictures below too). They had a great time but not as much fun as Monday on the way back. They missed their flight and ended up flying standby and re-routed thru Chicago to Nashville. Randy wasn't happy to say the least, but he did make it home safe and sound.

Randy waiting for his turn at bat.

Randy at bat.

This one speaks for itself :-)

Space Shuttle Explorer